Concrete Rebar Placement and Grouting
Construction Drilling has the experience to place reinforcing steel and concrete for piling and drilled shafts on your project. We can provide custom-engineered lift and placement plans that are specific to your needs. We have successfully tremie-poured thousands of drilled shafts and piles in all conditions including artesian.
We can also provide various grouting services such as consolidation and annular grouting. In certain geological formations pre-stabilization grouting is required to bind the formation together.
Caisson Reinforcing Steel Placement
Construction Drilling will place reinforcing steel for piling and drilled shafts on your project. We can provide custom-engineered lift and placement plans that are specific to your needs.
Tremie Pour Concrete
Construction Drilling has successfully tremie-poured thousands of drilled shafts and piles. Tremie concrete placement uses a pipe through which concrete is placed below water.
Construction Drilling performs consolidation pre-grouting for our large-diameter drilled shafts and annular grouting of large-diameter piling and vessels in-ground.