LNS Services
LNS offers a cost-effective approach that delivers projects in a shorter timeframe than conventional design-bid-build models.
Material Conveyance Upgrades | Rotating Equipment Alignments
We specialize in technical installation services in controlled environments. When you need a partner to help mitigate the risks with getting your new equipment up and running, we are the company you call. Whatever your specific project involves, whether full-scale construction, installation of secondary equipment, and any supporting structural components, we take pride in working with confidence and skill within the strictly controlled environment of your facility. We provide customized installation solutions for our customers. They appreciate that we understand the high-dollar value of their production and that we do not underestimate the cost of downtime.
Equipment Upkeep | Mechanical & Structural Repairs
We take pride in delivering maintenance services that consider the unique environment of your facility. Not only do we understand that your equipment requires regular upkeep and occasional upgrade, but we also understand the necessity of short turnaround windows in maintenance services. That’s why more and more customers are trusting us to perform these essential tasks according to their timelines and within the sensitive confines of their facilities.