Delta, BC

Highway 91/17 Upgrades Design-Build

The Highway 91/17 Upgrade project is located on the south side of the Alex Fraser Bridge in Delta. This project…
Vancouver, BC

Broadway Subway Project

NorLand’s Infrastructure divisions made significant contributions to Vancouver’s transportation infrastructure through their role in the Broadway Subway Project. Serving as…

Westside Road Improvements

The project included widening and realignment of approximately 1,260m of 2-lane rural road (Westside Road N. 138).

Galloway Passing Lane

The project included; quality management, traffic management, survey layout, clearing and grubbing, organic striping, profile milling, pavement removal, type “D”…

Rossland Arterial Wall

The project included; removal of existing 140 metre long multi-component retaining wall and replacement with a cast-in-place concrete structure; excavation…

Little Sand Creek Bridge Replacement

The project included; the removal of an existing highway bridge and pedestrian bridge; provision of a temporary highway bridge and…

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