BelPacific: Building Better Communities
Throughout Covid-19, domestic violence has reportedly increased due to women and children being at home for longer with their abusers.
Rose Salvarani and Dorene Burly at NorLand’s BelPacific Groups care deeply about these women and children fleeing violence, and to help make a positive impact for these people, Rose and Dorene have helped the BelPacific Groups partner with the Dixon Transition Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to breaking the violence for the next generation.
In line with NorLand’s shared purpose of Helping Build Enduring Communities, Together; BelPacific, Bel Contracting, and Pacific Ground Engineering have come together and are now supporting the Dixon Transition Society – check out the announcement in the Dixon newsletter here.
The Dixon Transition Society provides three levels of safe housing for women and children fleeing from domestic violence in our Burnaby Community. They have served the community since 1973 to help reduce the impact of domestic violence by providing a safe haven for women and children.
Recently, our BelPacific groups donated $1200 worth of PPE including masks, hand sanitizers, and wipes to 101 women and 204 children currently supported by the Dixon facilities!
The groups will also be hosting a raffle prize draw in the Fall with all proceeds going to Dixon. Tickets will be on sale soon!
PS: You can start donating now to the GoFundMe page at BelPacific Campaign for Dixon Transition Society