Fairview Container Terminal Berth Expansion
Scope of Work
CDI’s responsibilities included the installation of 63 epoxy-painted piles, each with a diameter of 914mm and a wall thickness of 19mm. These piles were to be seated into bedrock at a minimum depth of 1000mm, with rock sockets extending 7500mm. To prepare for this, carbide cutting teeth were welded onto the bottom of each casing, enabling the casings to core through overburden and bedrock effectively. Additionally, each pipe was notched to accept an over-sleeve, protecting the painted/coated piles during installation.
To ensure accurate pile placement, a series of guide frames/templates were pre-installed, each capable of supporting the installation of seven piles. These guide frames were sequentially repositioned along the pile line. The production piles were initially placed in the frames using a vibratory hammer, after which the DTH (down-the-hole) hammer and drill string were hoisted into position and secured.
CDI’s casing rotator was then employed, positioned over the pile containing the DTH hammer and pinned to the guide frame. An over-sleeve was hoisted over the permanent pile, lowered through the rotator, and engaged with drive notches. Utilizing the dual rotary drill system, CDI advanced the casing into bedrock while drilling out the inner diameter. Once the casing was sufficiently seated, the CDI top drive and DTH advanced the rock socket to a depth of 7.5m below the casing. After reaching the required depth, the drill steel was disconnected, and the equipment was transferred to the next casing. This meticulous process was repeated for all production piles.
Challenges & Solutions
The project encountered several technical challenges, primarily related to geotechnical issues and pile length discrepancies. CDI was called back to the site to address these problems, which included drilling out concrete in two land-based piles. To complete the remaining nine piles from the water, CDI mobilized their drilling equipment onto a marine derrick. This required careful coordination and the implementation of specialized marine drilling techniques to ensure stability and precision.
One of the significant technical challenges was working in unstable ground conditions, which led to multiple trench collapses. This not only posed safety risks but also affected constructability. CDI tackled these issues by reassessing project targets and scheduling daily, slowing down productivity when necessary to ensure the safety of the crew and manage unexpected conditions effectively.
Despite the challenges, CDI successfully completed the Fairview Container Terminal Berth Expansion project, significantly enhancing the terminal’s capacity and operational efficiency. Their ability to deliver high-quality, precise marine drilling and pile installation demonstrated CDI’s expertise and commitment to excellence. The project not only met but exceeded the client’s expectations, ensuring the terminal’s readiness to handle increased shipping demands. CDI’s innovative approach and problem-solving skills played a crucial role in overcoming the project’s difficulties, underscoring our status as a leading specialty foundation contractor.